Reservoir Definition
- Identification and delineation of producing intervals in sandstones or carbonate reservoirs
- Identification and delineation of producing intervals in fractured source rock reservoirs
- Identification of hydrocarbon types
- Definition of gas-oil and oil-water contacts
- Definition of oil quality and producibility
- Organic source type, thermal maturity, and type and degree alteration
Samples: Sidewall Cores, Conventional Cores, and Cuttings that have been preserved
Reservoir Continuity and Related Problems
- Define vertical and lateral reservoir continuity and understand reservoir compartmentalisation in oil fields
- Production allocation in commingled or multizone production
- Detection of leakage in commingled production
- Detection of drilling fluid contamination
- Reservoir filling history
Samples: Crude Oils and Condensates
Analytical and Interpretation
Whole oil GC for reservoir oil fingerprinting; provides light hydrocarbon GC data, C15+ GC data, and measurement of smaller naphthenic and aromatic peak pairs ptrovides the data for the ratio calculations used in the starplots.